Problemi Connessione Wi-Fi Mac OS Router Wind (Home&Life)

Problema: ho un Macbook Pro, ho ricevuto il router Wind Infostrada, ZYXTEL (Home&Life). Il Macbook non si connette alla rete wireless, mentre tutti gli altri dispositivi si connettono correttamente.


  1. Accedi alla pagina del router tramite uno dei dispositivi in grado di connettersi alla rete. Indirizzo pagina router:
  2. Per accedere utilizza le credenziali riportate sul retro del router (l’user dovrebbe essere admin, e la password varia per ogni router)
  3. Selezionate la modalità di visualizzazione avanzata, e modificate la banda 5GHz, inserendo come canale fisso 48.

Problem with compiling Bayesian Belief Networks in Python Tutorial


In OS X, when trying to compile the tutorial of Bayesian Belief Networks in Python (, using Sphinx ( you get the following error:

Extension error:

sphinx.ext.mathjax: other math package is already loaded
make: *** [html] Error 1


Modify the file, by removing ‘sphinx.ext.pngmath’ from the extensions  as follows:

#extensions = [‘sphinx.ext.pngmath’, ‘sphinx.ext.mathjax’, ‘sphinx.ext.viewcode’]
extensions = [‘sphinx.ext.mathjax’, ‘sphinx.ext.viewcode’]

Other questions that could be solved by this solution

  • How can I compile a Python documentation using Sphinx in Mac OS X?
  • How to solve an Extension error in compiling using Sphinx?

How to have proper video size with iMovie for MAC


You wish to edit a video with iMovie, by mixing different video sources. You see that, in the mixed video, the size of the original videos is cropped, and appears smaller than the original. You do not like this.


  1. From the bottom panel with the source videos, select the video that appears cropped
  2. Press ‘C’ or the ‘crop’ icon close to the ‘microphone’ icon
  3. Select ‘Fit’ on the right-top panel
  4. Select ‘Done’ on the right-top panel
  5. Now, drag-and-drop your selected video to the Project panel on top and it should not appear cropped anymore


Tried on:

Mac OS X 10.8.4
iMovie 9.0.8

Other questions that could be solved by this solution

  • How to forbid iMovie to crop videos?
  • Why iMovie cut my videos?
  • How to have video-shot of the original size with iMovie?

Creare Riferimenti Incrociati Numerati in Microsoft Word


Vuoi creare dei riferimenti incrociati in Microsoft Word, per esempio per costruire la tua bibliografia, ma non vuoi usare le etichette di Word (per esempio Figura, Equazione, Tabella).
Inoltre vuoi che i riferimenti siano numerati, e aggiornati come un indice.


  1. Posizionati sul punto da riferire (per esempio accanto alla voce della bibliografia che ti interessa).
  2. Vai su Inserisci>Didascalia.
  3. Scegli “Nuova Etichetta” e dagli un nome, per esempio “RIF”.
  4. Accanto al punto da riferire dovrebbe comparire il riferimento “RIF 1”.
  5. Ora posizionati nel punto dove vuoi inserire il riferimento e seleziona Inserisci>Riferimenti Incrociati. Nella voce “Tipo” dovrebbe ora comparire il tuo RIF. Selezionalo e seleziona “Solo etichetta e numero” nel menu a tendina di destra.
  6. A questo punto, se vuoi far scomparire la dicitura RIF, e’ sufficiente che tu la cancelli sia dal punto riferito sia dal punto da cui viene effettuato il riferimento. Il riferimento incrociato verra’ comunque mantenuto.


Sperimentato su Word 2011 per MAC in Italiano.

Altre domande a cui questa soluzione potrebbe rispondere

  • Come creare una bibliografia in Word?
  • Come creare riferimenti incrociati numerati in Word?

How to Record Music Streaming


You are streaming music, for example from some web-radio.
You want to record that music in .mp3 to listen to your songs also while you are offline
(be sure you are not violating any copyright).


  1. Open the Firefox Cache (just writing about:cache in the address line of Firefox).
  2. Select Disk Cache Device>List Cache Entries.
  3. Click on the top entry (that one should be the stream you just listened).
  4. You are redirected to a page named Cache entry information.
  5. Press the link on the key.
  6. Go to File>Save Page As… and save the stream as .mp3.

Alternative Solution

  1. Download and Install the MediaStealer add-on for Firefox. This add-on will record the streaming.
  2. After the installation a blue button should appear in the menu bar of Firefox.
  3. Toggle the button and a frame should appear at the bottom of Firefox: that frame is MediaStealer.
  4. Go to the website from which you wish to download the music.
  5. Start the streaming: in the MediaStealer frame, a line will appear with a long file name (the name of your .mp3 in the hard drive) and a status saying Progress: “Transferring”.
  6. When the status is Progress: “Finished” you can retrieve your .mp3 file with the very long name from the Download Directory (normally your home directory). You can change this directory by selecting “Options” from the MediaStealer frame.


Tried on:

Linux Ubuntu 12.10
Firefox 18.0.1

Other questions that could be solved by this solution

  • How can I listen to streaming music offline?
  • Can a music streaming be recorded?

Import a .gpx file into Google Maps for Android


You have a .gpx file showing a GPS route. Maybe you downloaded the .gpx file from the bikemap website.
You want to see this route in Google Maps for Android, in order to follow the route while you bike or walk.

Solution 1

  1. Move the .gpx file from your PC to the mobile, for example using the Bluetooth application of your PC. Be sure that your mobile can be reached by the PC, by clicking Settings>Wireless and Networks>BlueTooth, and then selecting the checkbox “Reachable”.
  2. Your file will be transferred in a folder named “bluetooth”, which you can reach by selecting Applications>Archive or any other file manager you are using.
  3. Use the Google Play application of your mobile to download and install MyTracks for Android. This is the application we will use to visualise the map.
  4. Go to Applications>Archive and create a new folder named “MyTracks” (if the folder does not exist).
  5. Click into the folder you just created and create a new folder named “gpx” (if the folder does not exist).
  6. Move the .gpx file that is in the “bluetooth” folder (Applications>Archive>bluetooth) to the folder “gpx” you just created. To do this, just press on the .gpx file name, select Move and navigate the Archive until you find the “MyTracks\gpx” folder (the actual position of the folder in the file system is /mnt/sdcard/MyTracks/gpx).
  7. Now open the MyTracks application (go to Applications>MyTracks), press the option menu (by clicking the bottom-left icon of your mobile) and select “Import from External Memory”.
  8. Your map should be loaded now. To see it, just click the icon of the man on top of the screen (No man icon on the screen? See the Notes section for a possible solution).


I have tried this procedure on:

Samsung Galaxy S Plus (GT-I9001)
Android Gingerbread 2.3.5

The procedure did not work? A possible solution:

MyTracks uses gpx tracks, which are sintactically  different from gpx routes. If you inspect the gpx file with a text editor you can find out if you downloaded a gpx track or a gpx route:

Routes have the form: rtept lat=”56.334890″ lon=”-2.935210″
Track have the form: trkpt lat=”56.319780″ lon=”-2.945440″

In case you downloaded a gpx route, you can easily convert it into a track by replacing all the “rte” with “trk”.

Thanks to Alastair Stevenson and Jez for the problem and the solution.

Solution 2 (Credits: Alastair Stevenson and ThanosPap)

  1. Download Maverick for Android
  2. Make a track with Google Earth (see here for a tutorial)
  3. Save the track as a .kml file
  4. Move the track to your mobile in sdcard/Maverick/tracks
  5. Now you should be able to see your map in Maverick

Other questions that could be solved by these solutions

  • How can I follow a bike itinerary using my mobile?
  • How can I import a custom route with android?